What is a quality blog post?

Kia ora! today i am helping john with his quality blog post. At page 3 you can see that we need to help john with his blog post. Firstly he needs to title it and label it at the end. Secondly he greets the person who is reading his blog and writes down a discription of what his post is about. Lastly he re-reads it to make sure it makes sence and looks for Capital letters, Full stops and pucuation.

Cook Island laungueg week!

Today is cookisland laungueg week! On this day my school is getting donuts, but not the one’s with sprinkles. My school was celebrating cookisland laungueg week by having a pacifica group that dance’s. We had a ” around the world ” which is were the people who are dancing picks someone from the audience and chooses them to dance together! The person that they pick has to dance with them and if that person dosen’t they are what is considered rude. We had presentations for each class or a dance and song. Parents, Students, Teachers and the principal came to watch the assembly, and watch there kids perform on this day. i enjoyed today because it was very fun and entertaining. Have a safe weekend everybody.

How my Teachers only day went

The day after school when i had a shower and at night i stayed up late and went to sleep with my headphones on. Then i woke up to my mum because we had to go to my nan’s because my mum had to go somewhere and my dad had work. So then we stayed there and i had fun with my friends online while eating and playing games on my mums laptop.
Then at 3:00 she came to pick us up and go home. when i got home i played Bedwars with Helen and Malachi my friends. We played 10 rounds and we got sick of playing so we did something else.